Fears & Phobias

It is common, helpful even, to have fears in life. Being scared of venomous spiders or large, toothy animals has kept our ancestors alive. But when fears overcome our thoughts and get in the way of living peacefully, it can be overwhelming – even terrorizing. Fears and phobias can come in all shapes and sizes, and they do not always “make sense.” Some people have lived with their fears since childhood, while other people noticed they came about later in life.

If you or someone you love is experiencing trepidation due to a fear, hypnotherapy can help. Fears, phobias and anxieties live in the subconscious mind. Trying to use one’s logical mind to undo or “get over” a fear or phobia probably hasn’t worked well. Hypnosis can help access the subconscious part of the mind and change some of the negative responses to more neutral responses. Come experience the relief and comfort that hypnotherapy can offer.

Overcoming Common Fears and Phobias

Hypnosis can help lessen or eliminate fears and phobias such as:

  • Public speaking
  • Flying in a plane
  • Frequent nightmares
  • Eating or drinking in public
  • Using the restroom in public
  • Water or swimming
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of success
  • Performance (of any kind) Anxiety
  • Social Anxieties – such as fear of
    • Attending events
    • Meeting new people
    • Carrying on conversations
    • Going into the office
    • Gathering for meetings
    • Crowds

“I have always been afraid of snakes, and as a child, I experienced a traumatic event that turned my fear into a recurring nightmare. If I became overheated while sleeping, I would have terrifying dreams of snakes that were debilitating and made my fear that much worse with each nightmare. These nightmares were incredibly common, a few times a week, and they came without fail. I would consistently only have snake related nightmares. This routine was something that I dealt with for the better part of 30 years until I started working with Michelle Geiger.

After a few hypnotherapy sessions, my nightmares completely stopped. During my last nightmare, I actually heard my own subconscious voice say aloud “we don’t need this anymore” and the dream immediately ended. I woke from this nightmare with a profound feeling of closure, and it all ended because of hypnotherapy. The phrase that I heard was something Michelle said during my most intense session. I have not had a single snake-related nightmare since then, even though I still overheat in my sleep. Though I still heavily dislike snakes, they no longer hold any control over my life.

Michelle helped me face my fear, in a safe and comfortable way, that broke the cycle my subconscious mind had created.” – Vanessa

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