Physical Pain

Physical pain in the body acts as an important alarm system telling us that something is wrong. If our actions cause pain, our brain alerts us to stop immediately – like touching a hot stove. Many times when we get hurt, we take necessary care and steps to heal, and our bodies do the work. In minor situations, this happens quickly and effortlessly. But when it comes to significant pain and injury, hypnotherapy can work in tandem with medication to ease pain levels and heal injuries faster.

Hypnosis can also help people cope with physical pain from treatments in the hospital, as well as help people sleep through discomfort so the body can get rest and heal.

Ease Physical Pain with Hypnosis

Examples of how hypnotherapy has helped ease physical pain:

  • Pre and Post surgery
  • Childbirth
  • Burns – helps ease the anxiety and pain to endure changing of gauze and promotes faster healing
  • Cancer – helps build hope, optimism, endurance of long & painful treatments, eases symptoms of treatments, self-hypnosis techniques
  • Pain in the body with known or unknown causes
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Fatigue – help falling asleep and staying asleep through the night
  • Hospice pain relief, end-of-life care

To see if hypnosis is the right tool to treat your physical pain, contact Michelle for a consultation.

“Hypnosis with Michelle had a very positive effect on my healing from a surgery. I went from feeling very anxious and uneasy about my outcome, to extremely relaxed with a more positive mindset.” – G.S., Yardley

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